Forest Effects with Itoo Software’s Forest Pack Pro
In Forest Pack 5 we released a brand new feature called Forest Effects. This allows you to extend the existing features of Forest Pack by adding new functionality from a library, importing them from individual files, or creating your own using expressions. Forest Pack 5 also includes a number of examples of effects that could be useful for your work and can act springboard to help you to learn to write your own.
When we created Forest Effects we envisaged two types of user. Effects Users who would download, install and use existing effects created by iToo or other artists. And Effects Authors who would create and use their own effects and hopefully share them within the studio and the wider online community. In this introductory tutorial we’ll focus on the former, and demonstrate how effects are imported and used, including an overview of the built in effects, how to run 3rd party effects and how to install effects files to the library for easy access and re-use.